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The purpose of life is to experience

True Health - Happiness - Wellbeing - Growth

and Helping Others






I am a Ren Xue therapist and a Yuan Gong Qigong Teacher



Changing positively our life is certainly not that 'easy',

but the journey can become relatively 'simple'

with the right tools, and a good amount of

determination & willingness




It is a Process... 


Learn and practice Yuan Gong Qigong Methods

Replenishing our level of energy & stabilizing our state of mind


Study the Theories and Laws of life in Ren Xue

Exploring from another perspective the law of our life and our human needs


Deepen your understanding of human life

Applying what we've learned so far and monitoring if any progress took place


Begin to truly know yourself

Discovering our true potential




Improve your quality of Qi (life force), its quantity & quality

Going deeper, beginning to feel a deeper sense of unification, stability and peace


Incrementally apply the newfound knowledge

There is much to learn and apply when it comes to better align our life with its laws


Begin focussing on the root causes of your problems

Diving deeper in the realm of knowing ourselves, while developing an internal focus


Learn more about fundamental patterns

Dealing with the automatic responses of our patterns at the consciousness level




Your Life is being uplifted as you continue to experience change

Your life is changing dramatically, with a new sense of well-being and freedom


You start to experience real growth and true wellbeing

True harmony arises from within, internal and external conflicts are disappearing


Helping others finally becomes genuine and selfless

You begin to experience a sense of non-separation with everything

Your state of mind cannot be 'disturbed' that much anymore

'You are there, but not there', 'all' makes sense





Yuan Gong - A life cultivation path

A Qigong system part of Ren Xue

9 Methods to learn & practice with their guidances and their theories


In a short period of time, it is possible to find a deeper inner connection with both body and mind,

while at the same time replenishing our level of Qi so that our health improves.

As a result, we can begin to better develop and elevate our life.







A. Open your heart with the Ren Xue teachings

Learn to manifest real Trust, Openness, Love, Gratitude & Gongjing 


The purpose of the Ren Xue System is to better align human life with its governing laws.

Everything in the whole universe transforms and develops according to certain laws.

 When we follow these laws, everything happens in a natural way.

We can grow & life is harmonious



B. Transform the patterns of consciousness

 Elevate & develop all aspects of your human life with the Ren Xue System


REN XUE helps us to 'cultivate' consciousness, which is on a different level from 'using' consciousness.

The consciousness cannot stop the process of its activities, and the quality of a thought

determines the quality of its effect.


Learn more




Image:  A Ren Xue  practitioner


- Some of the YouTube interviews about Ren Xue's teachings : 


- Consider reading a little about relaxation  * 


- Follow the teaching rather than the teacher - 

REN XUE Life Cultivation offers us teachings and tools to navigate our existence and understand the totality of life. 

"Relax, Calm, Natural, Integrated & Unified - Jue Cha"